September 25, 2008

Last week, a very serious newscaster said, “This is the worst economic time since the depression”. The stock market had fallen 500 points, in addition to the failure of financial institutions Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Lehman brothers. Then there was the high price of gas, the war in Iraq, yada, yada, yada.

Fear can be seen and felt everywhere. People are unsure and shaken. In the midst of all this I heard in my spirit, “I have built you for the storm”.

I realized I was getting caught up in the fear and panic that was going on around me. It’s not that there aren’t some serious problems, because they are serious. But the bible says that although I am in this world, I am not of this world. In other words, I have to filter everything through God’s love and provision for me. I am not at the mercy of random economic movements or political winds. I am in my Father’s arms. I trust Him. I don’t trust in politicians, government, or the help of people. I trust in God, and because of that I don’t have to get caught up in the fear of the times. Frantic statements made by news people are meant to incite panic and fear, and to get ratings.

I have a list I call “Do’s and Don’t For the Storm”.


  1. DON’T complain
  2. DON’T look for the government to fix everything
  3. DON’T get caught up in the fear and hysteria
  4. DON’T lose hope
  5. DON’T hang around fear-filled people
  6. DON’T get caught up in empty campaign promises


  1. DO be thankful
  2. DO move closer to God
  3. DO pray
  4. DO be frugal – spend wisely and carefully
  5. DO be generous – don’t stop giving

Strength for the storm can be found in Psalm 91, which states that whoever dwells in the secret place of the Most High abides under the shadow of the Almighty, and that God will give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. The Psalmist also says that God will deliver you, and set you on high. As a child of the God of the universe I have nothing to fear, as longs as I rest in Him.

We were built for times like this. Yes, things are bad…but fix your eyes on Him, and rest in Him alone.